Add the maps to your page to help tell your story

Add any of the Northwest Portal Maps to a frame on a website with the filters or search loaded to highlight a particular type of place, location or all locations mentioned in a partner blog post or web page.

Show your location with our maps instead of google.

Highlight what makes you are special and show why people should come visit.

Google map frame for the Ellensburg Canyon Winery. Shows the location but not what makes it special.

Ellensburg Canyon Winery on Taste NW. Shows the location and what makes it special.

Use the the map to illustrate your blog.

Partners can add links to their blog to the maps, and then load the map showing locations on that blog.

Add the maps to any web page or blog.

Any organization can add the maps to their page to add the “where” to their “why”.

More examples of different ways the maps can be embedded. The web frame - code is listed at the bottom of the page

Outdoors NW map highlighting all birding locations from the Central Washington Outdoors Birding Page.

The map is configured to load in the simplified mode with filters enabled, and is filtered for places that are called out on the Kittitas County Outdoors Page and having Birding identified as an activity.

Taste NW map highlighting all of the locations mentioned in the Lines on Wines Blog

The map is configured to load in the standard style with an information panel on the right. This makes it easier to scrolls through the articles.

Outdoors NW map highlighting the two Dru Bru Locations

The map is configured to load in the simplified mode with search enabled and Dru Bru as the search term. It includes a legend.

Any of the maps can be loaded with any filter applied and the outdoors, off-roading, taste and winter maps can be loaded with a search activated. Filters allow you to highlight locations that meet a custom set of conditions, including members of your organization. Search highlights places by name, url of blog post/article in our database or waterbody name.

In order to load the map with a custom filter, such as the one used to identify places on the Central Washington Color blogs, or an article, you must be a partner and work with us to add the tags or links to the data.

In order to highlight a location it must be on the maps. Agritourism businesses can be on the Taste NW map for free, other businesses must be part of a paid plan to be on the map.

Use the form below to request the code to add the map to your page, or use the sample code below. Let us know you are linking to us and we will link back to your page.

I frame code for the sample maps:

To customize the frame, use the search or filter on the map of your choice, copy the URL and paste it into the sample make the changes as noted.

You can customize the size of the frame by adjust the width and height paramters.

Small frame with location highlighted:

<iframe style="display: none;" src="" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="'block';" width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<a href="">Open the map full frame.</a>

Notes: Add _search to the map name in the URL in the iframe code and add &embedded=true to the end to get it to load in the iframe optimized view with the search function activated.

Kittitas County birding map

<iframe style="display: none;" src=",&embedded=true" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="'block';" width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<a href=",&embedded=true">Click here to open the map full frame and use it to navigate.</a>

Notes: Add &embedded=true to get the map to load in the iframe optimized view.. This map uses a hidden filter (one not on the main filter list) that we have added to tag locations in the Kittitas County maps &hiddenfilter=1C These filters can be added for a small fee to locations identified by paying partners. Contact us if you want to be able to load the map highlighting your selected locations.

Taste NW map - Loads with list on side bar

<iframe style="display: none;" src="" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="'block';" width="100%" height="900" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<a href="">Click here to open the map full frame and use it to navigate.</a>

Notes: Enter the url for the site or specific blog that you want highlighted into the search bar before copying the url. Make sure to enter enough of the url to uniquely identify your site. In this case linesonwine will highlight any location with an article on the site. This will only work if we are linking to the Blog page. We can link to up to two articles, blog posts or other sites for each location and will add links from our partners. Links will be in the data-set for a minimum of one year.

Outdoors NW loaded to highlight the two locations for Dru Bru

<iframe style="display: none;" src="" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="'block';" width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<a href="">Click here to open the map full frame and use it to navigate.</a>

<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="700" height="150"></p>

<a href="">Open the map full frame.</a>

Notes: Add _search to the map name in the URL in the iframe code and add &embedded=true to the end to get it to load in the iframe optimized view with the search function activated. The last line of the code adds the Outdoors NW legend to the map.

Details and instructions for customizing the code

You have two options to embed:

  • Standard view has the tool bar on the right on desktop/laptop computers if the frame is large enough, and has controls on the top for smaller displays. In the standard view, all of the options are available in the iframe. The standard view includes the information, search and filter tools, as well as the sponsor logos.

  • Simplified view shows just the map with the information box on the bottom and the filter on the top right. It does not have the search tool or logos and works better in a small frame.

In addition to the map, you can add code to:

  • Open the map full frame so people can navigate and access all of the filters

  • Add a legend (if you are in embedded mode)

To add the maps to an i-frame in a website, select the map you want to use, zoom to the area you want shown and apply and filters or search, copy the URL and paste it into the iframe code below.

In the iframe code you can adjust the width and height to fit the space you are using by changing the width= and height= parameters. You can specify by percent (100% fills the frame), or by pixels. For example, width="100%" height="800" will make the map as wide as the window regardless of the browser size, but will always have it 800 pixels high.

To create the code for the iframe, replace the URL in the code below to the map showing exactly what you want in the iframe:

To add the map to an iframe (a map within a web site), use the following code:

<iframe style="display: none;" src="" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="'block';" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Where is the URL for the map centered on the area you want to share with any filters applied.

If you want to have the map opened in a simpler version that is better for an iframe (no legend or filter option at the top) add ?embedded=true to the end of the UR.

If you want to embed a map with a search, you will have to use the following urls for the map. If you want to embed a different map with search, let us know and we will set up that map.

The maps load by default in the public lands view, but they can be configured to load with a photo background. If you would prefer the photo background, let us know. We currently have a photo option for the Snow NW - use the url to load the map with the photo background.

If you want to add a legend to the embedded frame, use the code:

<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="" width="700" height="200"></p> 

Replacing outdoors with the name of the map you are using: bike, boat, camp, community, dogs, hike, horse, kids, off-roading, outdoors, snow, snowmobile, taste

To give people the option to open the map full frame add:

<a href="">Click here to open the map full frame and access the filters.</a>

(Using the URL that you have selected for the map).